Managed and Cloud-Based eDiscovery Review
With LDG USA eDiscovery and hosted review solutions, obtaining a quickly scalable and cost-effective eDiscovery solution has never been simpler. We offer a flat rate fee model which allows you to budget for your clients with no long-term restrictive contracts. Additionally, there is no software or hardware to purchase.
LDG USA Solutions

Forensic Collection
Our expert team of forensic examiners hold a variety of certifications, including CCE, CHFI, and EnCE, and can perform local onsite or remote collections anywhere in the world. All data collected is forensically preserved in a sound and defensible manner for future review. Having assisted and managed hundreds of state and federal cases, we have worked with proven technologies and have set a high bar for a systematic and defensible approach to collecting, preserving, and analyzing data. Our standards and processes are set as the industry best practices.

eDiscovery & Managed Services
eDiscovery & Managed Services is a unique business exchange that allows corporations, casinos, and law firms to have the predictable financial forecast and mechanism they need with the security, processes, and workflows eDiscovery requires. LDG USA is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after eDiscovery managed services providers in the US. LDG USA is a provider of managed backend eDiscovery cloud-based server solutions and technicians that will assist in managing your eDiscovery projects from collection to production. LDG USA has several years of experience implementing project management and organizing vast workflows for some of the world’s largest corporations, casinos, and law firms, providing forensic collections, processing, advanced text and visual searching, email threading, analytic clustering, and concept searching. We have also provided project management on large-scale paper-based projects employing digital imaging, bibliographical coding, auto-coding, data processing, and hosting, storage and managed review services with dedicated personnel.

We can process a single file up to terabytes of data. LDG USA has your eDiscovery processing needs handled from end to end. We will ingest your data directly into our software which will include de-duplication, de-nisting, optical character recognition, email threading, and clustering per search term at no extra cost. This will give you a significant head-start in culling down your data for your production. The LDG USA data analysis team will then assist your team in putting together search terms and gathering an exclusion list in order to cull down the data even more. We have multiple options for sending us your data via FTP, Share link, Online Portal (Drag & Drop), and Direct Ship with a chain of custody form.

LDG USA offers one of the most sophisticated, advanced search option queries in the industry. From basic text search to advanced searching options like stemming, fuzzy, synonyms and phonics, to Visual Searching. Through LDG USA advanced analytics you can drill down into your case via our Concept Wheel which allows you to prioritize documents based on relevance, through small sample sets. Verify the sample set, and then let our review platform sort the population into categories, leaving irrelevant documents uncategorized. In most cases, it takes only seconds to deliver search results on multi-terabytes datasets. This translates to near-instantaneous access to important and critical information at speeds that will keep your review team working.

Speed up review with fewer touches. With LDG USA advanced analytics to identify and thread email conversations, find and compare near duplicate documents, and cluster similar documents. This gives you the all-important first look at collections even before starting your review. Speed up review time and increase accuracy by reviewing logical clusters in the same batch. We also have interactive charts, graphs, and reporting allows you to quickly analyze and filter your data into a smaller more manageable subset. This helps you visually digest your data by custodian, file extensions, data type, processing metrics (exceptions, duplicates, system files) and even document timeline and a concept wheel that allows you to get even more granular with your data.

Document Review
The LDG USA review dashboard is a refined and simple for ease of use, secure, and productive document review solution. Our easy and straightforward dashboard allows you to focus on your review, not learning a newer technology. LDG USA always provides unlimited reviewers at an affordable price. If the cost of review is unmanageable in-house, we can provide managed US attorney review or foreign attorney review at a reasonable cost. Please request a quote.

LDG USA can produce and export data in a variety of load files and file types. We have standard formats that we can export your data into your favorite in-house eDiscovery software or utilize our export customization features to format it exactly as needed. We can easily export your data with just a few clicks into Native, PDF, or Image formats.
We are READY for your project NOW
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